Persistent cough? Be aware of whooping cough

Europe is currently facing a resurgence of whooping cough cases, and Luxembourg is not spared. Whooping cough, also known as convulsive cough, is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. It is characterized by violent and repeated coughing fits that

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Managing summer stress

Summer, a time usually associated with relaxation and time off, can paradoxically turn out to be a stressful time for tertiary and financial sector employees.The absences of some can lead to an increased workload for those still present. However, effective strategies can be implemented to

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The challenges of reintegration after burn-out

The work environment can be demanding and can put a significant strain on the mental health of employees. These factors have a considerable impact on the well-being and mental health of employees. In Belgium, more than two-thirds of people with disabilities for psychological reasons suffer from

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Free medical check-up

— Medical Check-ups @ ASTF are now free — Each employee of an affiliated company can benefit from personal, confidential and free medical check-ups, with the prior agreement of the company. The medical check-up @ ASTF

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Become an ASTF member

All companies in the service, financial and related sectors located in Luxembourg may join the ASTF. To apply, fill out the application form and return it back to We will handle the administrative procedures

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Newsletter subscription

Register easily to stay informed and receive our monthly newsletter of medical and legal information and health and wellness tips, sent directly to your inbox, for members of affiliated companies.

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