Workplaces exposed to risk
Since the entry into force of the law of 14 December 2001, the employer has been required to draw up an inventory of workplaces exposed to risks within his business.
This inventory must be updated every three years with the help of his occupational health service, i.e. the ASTF in the case of the financial sector.
The evaluation document entitled “Inventory of workplaces exposed to risks” must be forwarded by registered letter to the Occupational Health Division.
The Occupational Health Division requires detailed figures to present scientifically based statistics of risks in a majority of Luxembourg businesses in compliance with the statutory provisions laid down in the amended law of 17 June 1994 on occupational health.
Definition of a workplace exposed to risks
This is a workplace at which the worker is exposed to a risk of occupational illness or occupational accident or to agents which are liable to be harmful to health.
In the financial sector, most employees work in an office and contact with chemical, physical, infectious, carcinogenic agents etc. is therefore fairly rare or non-existent.
But even in the absence of a workplace exposed to risk the Occupational Health Division requires an answer from companies and wishes to be informed of the number of workers who use a computer screen.
It is sufficient to indicate on the inventory of workplaces exposed to risks under the heading “What risks are faced by workers?”: “Work on a computer screen” and to enter the frequency of exposure (e.g. Code 4-1 x / day minimum) and the risk level (e.g. Code 2 – negligible).
The occupational physician determines the monitoring procedure and the intervals between medical examinations.
For office employees, a sight test will be recommended.
If you would like further information, please consult Inventory of hazardous jobs on